Sodium hydrogen carbonate

Sodium hydrogen carbonate is a sodium salt of carbonic acid, which is also used in the manufacture of foodstuffs. It is contained in baking powder and is therefore an integral part of almost all baked goods, cereal mixtures, cakes and tarts. It is also widely used in medicine, especially for regulating stomach acid, and is known as Bullrich salt. Sodium hydrogen carbonate is therefore completely safe for humans and the environment and has no side effects.

About 100 years ago a German pharmacist discovered the effect of sodium hydrogen carbonate against powdery and downy mildew. Even back then, he used it to protect his rosebushes and fruit trees against the dreaded fungal diseases in an environmentally friendly manner and without side effects. Sodium hydrogen carbonate is dissolved in water and sprayed dripping wet onto the plants. This increases the pH value on the leaf surface and makes it more difficult for powdery mildew fungi and downy mildew to adhere to the plants.

Powdery mildew fungi are one of the best known and most widespread plant diseases. Powdery mildew can be recognised by a powdery, whitish coating, usually on the upper side of the leaf. A small initial infestation can spread over a large area within a few days. Mildew causes severe damage to plants. In crops, this leads to yield losses and in many cases even to the complete destruction of the harvest. In ornamental plants such as roses, the damage is shown by pale flowers and wilted leaves.

Basic substance registered in the EU Plant Protection Products Regulation

In October 2015, the EU Commission approved sodium hydrogen carbonate as a basic substance in the EU Plant Protection Products Regulation (1107/2009). Since then, its use as a fungicide to control powdery mildew and apple scab as well as for post-harvest treatment of storage diseases is permitted.


For better adhesion the sodium hydrogen carbonate should be used together with a vegetable oil - e.g. Niemöl (neem oil) - and an emulsifier - e.g. the Niemölemulgator (neem oil emulsifier) "Rimulgan". This combination forms a paper-thin coating on the leaves and thus ensures an even distribution and good adhesion of the sodium hydrogen carbonate. All these substances are non-toxic for humans and their pets and their use is beneficial to beneficial organisms.

Mix vegetable oil and emulsifier together to form formulated oil.

Preparation of the spray mixture: Dissolve "sodium hydrogen carbonate" in water, then stir in the formulated oil. Spray dripping wet with a sprayer.

Repeat the treatment every 7 - 14 days.

Dosage per litre of spray liquid:

Roses, fruit trees, shrubs:
odium hydrogen carbonate: 5 - 10 g
Formulated oil: 5 - 10 ml

Vegetables, salad:
Sodium hydrogen carbonate: 2.5 - 5 g
Formulated oil: 5 ml

Sodium hydrogen carbonate: 5 - 10 g
Formulated oil: 5 ml

Products with sodium hydrogen carbonate:
