Legal notice

Publisher and responsible for the content:

Niem-Handel Gerald Moser
Natural products trade
Waldstraße 3
D-64579 Gernsheim

Phone: +49 (0)6258 - 94 95 55
Fax: +49 (0)6258 - 94 95 57

Sales tax identification number according to § 27 a sales tax law: DE 192 005 300

Responsible for the content of this website: Gerald Moser (address see above)

Patent protection

The information on these Internet pages is published without regard to any patent protection.

Trade names

Trade names are used without guarantee of free usability.


Great care was taken in the compilation of texts and illustrations. Nevertheless, errors cannot be completely excluded. The publisher and author cannot accept any legal responsibility or liability for incorrect information and its consequences.

External links

Despite careful control of the contents, we do not assume any liability for the contents of external links. The operators of the linked sites are solely responsible for the content of their sites.

Platform for online dispute resolution

The European Commission provides an Online Dispute Resolution (OS) platform. The platform can be found at Please use our e-mail address as contact address.

We are legally obliged to provide the above information from January 2016. However, in case of complaints and dissatisfaction on your part, we still ask you to contact us directly first!

Shop system

This website is based on Shopware 5.


We would be grateful for any suggestions for improvement and information on errors! Please use the above e-mail address or the contact form.
